Brian Roraff is the President of Adoration School

Brian Roraff once had it spoken over him that he was like King David, a man after God’s own heart. He wasn’t always that way. As a young man, Brian knew a lot about God. But it wasn’t until about twenty years of age that he realized there was a difference between beating someone at Bible Trivia because he knew a lot about God and knowing God. Once that revelation hit his heart, his life since has been dedicated to not just knowing this great God who loved him and saved him but making Him known to others. It’s been a most thrilling adventure.  

Brian has been married to his wonderful wife, Mary, for forty years. Together, they have raised seven children, one who is with Jesus through miscarriage, and six who love and follow Jesus also. They have eleven grandchildren who are the treasures of their lives. 

Below is a video of a sermon from Adoration Church where Brian explains how Adoration School came to be.